Long Trail Rides

We offer multi-day rides all over Iceland during the summer months. The tours vary in length, destination and nature but all hold promise for an unforgettable experience riding the Icelandic horse through the breathtaking nature of Iceland.


Our multi-day tours run during May, Juni, Juli, August, und September so be sure to check our departures during those months and browse through our selection of horse riding tours. You can choose from 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 und 8 Day Tours.


If you are interested in more than 8 days of riding, we also offer Grand Tours. Please contact us at multidaytours@ishestar.is to learn more about these tours.

Forces of Nature


Wir reiten in die Berge, um die atemberaubende Landschaft zu genießen. Wir durchqueren die schwarze Sandwüste Mælifellssandur, die uns zu Lavafeldern führt, die aus den Kratern des Laki während des Skaftáreldar-Ausbruchs entstanden sind.

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Magnificent Mælifell


Wir reiten in die Berge, um die atemberaubende Landschaft zu genießen. Wir durchqueren die schwarze Sandwüste Mælifellssandur, die uns zu Lavafeldern führt, die aus den Kratern des Laki während des Skaftáreldar-Ausbruchs entstanden sind.

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Hekla in Lupins


On this exciting 5-day tour in June, we see unique lava formations while riding on Hekla’s vast ashy veil, exposed to the elements, covered with lush grass or vibrant lupins.

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Wild Mountains


This Multi-Day Tour is designed for seasoned adventurers seeking immersion in the wilds of Iceland. Discover untouched landscapes, rhyolite mountains and ash-covered terrain.

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Family-Friendly Hekla Tour


Join us on a thrilling tour near one of Iceland's most feared volcanoes, Hekla, as we ride through lava fields, formed by eruptions over the past centuries. Experience the beauty of the lush grasslands that have been fertilized by the volcanic ash.

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Landmannalaugar Adventure


Die Tour führt entlang des Thjorsá-Flusses und den Lavafeldern von Hekla in das südliche Hochland von Island. Die Landschaft ist faszinierend mit Rhyolithbergen, während wir auf Pfaden von Sanddünen und Flussüberquerungen reiten.

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Chasing Waterfalls Tour


Waterfalls, mountains, caves, lava fields and lupins: This tour leads south of Tindfjallajökull into the Southern Highlands. You will ride with a small group and get to explore this remote area on horseback.

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Snæfellsnes Beach Ride


We ride long distances on golden sand at Löngufjörur beach, where only the tide sets a boundary to the freedom of horse and man. Witness the beauty of Snæfellsnes Peninsula while riding the Icleandic Horse.

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Sheep Round-Up


September is the time in Iceland to gather the sheep that are roaming free in the highlands, herd them to the lowlands and then sort them between the different farms they belong to. For centuries this has been done on horseback and you have the chance to join this historic highlight.

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Beach & Lava Ride


On this ride you experience the extensive lava fields and volcanoes of the Reykjanes peninsula and also the legendary beauty and dramatic landscapes of the South on horse back.

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Custom Countryside Ride


Eine perfekte Möglichkeit, eine mehrtägige Reittour in der Privatsphäre der Familie oder einer Gruppe von Freunden zu genießen. Ihr wohnt in einem renovierten Bauernhaus in Minni-Vellir, in der Nähe des Vulkans Hekla. Der perfekte Ort, um den Goldenen Kreis, Höhlen oder die Wasserfälle des Südens zu entdecken.

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Black Sand Beach Ride


Experience the Magic of Horseback Riding in Iceland on Black Sand Beaches! Join us for a memorable ride across the black beaches of Iceland. Enjoy the views of the ocean, with view of the Westman Islands on one side and Eyjafjallajökull on the other.

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Ride to Landsmot


Horseback riding adventure, showcasing the diverse nature of Iceland, leading from the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, through Borgarfjörður past the historical parliament Þingvellir.

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Southern Highland Adventure


On this tour, you are introduced to the Southern Highlands of Iceland. We take you on old viking trails, covered with soft volcanic ash to the natural hot springs at Landmannalaugar.

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Saltvík Comfort


Kombiniere Reiten und Sightseeing im Norden, ganz wie Du möchtest. Reite über den schwarzen Strand und auf den Klippen oder besuche den Goðafoss-Wasserfall, die Ásbyrgi-Schlucht und gehe auf Walbeobachtung!

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Horse Round Up


Wir genießen die Herbstfarben und die sich ständig verändernde Landschaft des Nordens und begleiten Isländer, die ihre Pferde aus den Bergen holen. Wir besuchen die Pferdetransporte, bei denen die Bauern eine Herde von 500 jungen Islandpferden aus den Bergen treiben.

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Volcano Ride Special


Der Krater Fagradalsfjall ist von kilometerlangen Lavaströmen umgeben. Wir laden dich ein, mit uns die umliegenden Gebiete zu erkunden, die voller geologischer Aktivität sind, mit sprudelnden Schlammpools, heißen Quellen, Farben und Landschaften, die nicht von dieser Welt zu sein scheinen.

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Die Zeit wird zeigen, ob der Vulkan Fagradalsfjall noch weitere 8000 Jahre ruht oder bald wieder aktiv wird, aber die Erkundung dieser frischesten Lavafelder Islands und der Umgebung wird sicher ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein.

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Landmannalaugar Autumn


We journey across landscapes adorned with vibrant hues of yellow and green rhyolite mountains. The majestic glaciers, bubbling geothermal pools, and sprawling lava fields lend an enchanting aura to our trek. As we traverse the shadowy sand dunes and meandering rivers, the area's mystical charm is unmistakable.

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Into The Far East


Venture on horseback into the fascinating mountains of the eastern fjords of Iceland that are known for magical nature. We ride on old postal route through golden sandy areas with the view of waterfalls and steep mountain passes.

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Hekla Adventure


Join us on a thrilling tour near one of Iceland's most feared volcanoes, Hekla, as we ride through lava fields that have been formed by eruptions over the past centuries. Experience the beauty of the lush grasslands that have been fertilized by the volcanic ash, as we ride along with a herd of horses.

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Kirkjufell Adventure


Our ride leads along colorful volcanoes and also around Mt. Kirkjufell, recognized as being “Arrow Head Mountain” on Game of Thrones. Old historical riding paths are followed through lava fields.

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Wonders of Fjallabak


Join us riding an ancient trail through the Highlands of Iceland, exploring the Fjallabak Natural Reserve's multi-coloured landscapes, volcanic formations, hot springs and majestic glaciers like Eyjafjallajökull.

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