We have designed this long, beautiful tour  for "outdoorsy"  riders, who look for a deep immersion into Iceland's wilderness, a variety of terrains, as well as the camaraderie of fellow horsemen in weathered breeches.


Desolate wilderness and tranquility are the main characteristics of the vast, uninhabited region north of Mýrdalsjökull glacier, where rugged rhyolite mountains with deeply incised valleys treat the eye with unforgettable, multi-colored landscapes.


Due to strong volcanic activity present on and off throughout the geologic time scale, the area is full of ash, sand, and lava, solidified in suggestive shapes and partially covered in moss. We will ride up and downhill, at high altitudes, through mountain passes, and in valleys, with towering volcanoes in sight, such as the majestic snow-clad Eyjafjallajökull.

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The itinerary includes Fjallabaksleið syðri, an old high-altitude route, as well as Landmannalaugar, the fascinating gem of the Fjallabak Natural Reserve, with the bedrock dating back 8-10 million years, where we will have enough time to enjoy a warm bath in the natural hot springs, and maybe also (if the weather and one’s energy allow) a 2-hour hike following a marked trail with some picture-postcard vistas of slopes and ravines.


After a few long days in the rugged landscapes, and no-frills mountain huts, we continue the ride towards grassy valleys. The tour will wind down in a cozy way. For the three last nights, we are accommodated in a, nicely renovated former farmhouse. We will still sleep in our sleeping bags in a big common bedroom, but the vibe of the living room and the kitchen is likely to make you feel like taking your lopapeysa (hand-knit woolen sweater) off for a change. On the last riding day, after releasing our horses into the field, we will visit a particularly splendid place with a hot pool, of which your muscles have been dreaming since Landmannalaugar.


If you would like to round this trip up with an extra black-sand beach ride, please contact us for information


This tour is operated by Kiddi. Click hier to get to know him better.

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    7 nights - 7 riding days


    Sehr fortgeschrittene Reiter


    16 years


    2024: 26 August - 2 September


    Mehrbettzimmer in einfachen Berghütten und Schlafsackversorgung während des Rittes. Bitte bring deinen eigenen Schlafsack mit oder miete einen bei der Buchung. Unterkünfte vor und nach der Tour sind individuell zu organisieren.


    Bus transfer von Reykjavik zur Farm und zurueck

    Wahrend der Tour ist Vollverpflegung enthalten. Das Essen besteht aus einem grossen Fruehstuecksbuffet, von dem die Gaeste auch ihr Lunchpaket zusammenstellen. Abendessen ist traditionelle islaendische Kueche (Fisch oder Lamm), vegetarisches Essen ist kein Problem, solange es bei der Buchung angegeben wird.

    Alcoholic beverages are not included in the tour price and are hard to get in the highlands.

    Regenkleidung, Wasserflasche, Satteltasche, Reithelm


    Eine individuelle Reiseversicherung ist nicht im Preis enthalten, wir empfehlen den Gaesten, eine abzuschliessen.

    Flug nach und von Island ist nicht inklusive

    Day 1:  Entering the Highlands (Fell – Einhyrningur ca. 25 km)

    Abholung in Reykjavik morgens (gegen 9:00)

    Pick-up at BSI in Reykjavik between 10 and 10:30  We travel by private coach to the Southern part of Iceland - with a stop in Selfoss at a tackshop (if you still need eqipment or just want to browse) and further to the cabin Fell where we will find our horses  and which will be our point of departure.  We start our ride alongside the mighty Markarfljót River. We follow on its Western banks through majestic scenery with the Highlands towering ahead of us. Our path leads us up to the slopes of Mt. Einhyrningur, to our cabin Bólstaður where we spend the first night. Enjoy the great view of Eyjafjallajökull Glacier and Thorsmörk Nature Park.


    Tag 2:  Gipfelstuermer (Einhyrningur – Mosar – Hungurfit ca. 30 km)

    Wir reiten durch das malerische Emstrur-Gebiet nach Mosar. Dieses üppige Weidegebiet im Hochland gefällt unseren Pferden und wir verbringen dort einige Zeit, bevor wir zur neuen und gemütlichen Hungurfit-Hütte nördlich des Tindfjallajökull, dem kleinsten Gletscher Islands, weiterreiten. Er ist leicht an seinen beiden symmetrischen Gipfeln Ýmir und Ýma zu erkennen, die beide über 1400 Meter hoch sind. Hier gibt es eine warme Dusche und eine großartige Aussicht auf den Gletscher Mýrdalsjökull, in dem sich der berüchtigte Katla-Krater verbirgt.


    Tag 3:  Durch das rauchende Tal (Hungurfit – Landmannahellir Mt. Cabin ca. 45 km)

    Wir setzen unseren Ritt ins Gebirge fort, vorbei am markanten Tafelberg Laufafell, durch eine schwarze Lavawüste. Unser Ritt führt uns vorbei an den schwarzen Obsidian-Lavafeldern von Hrafntinnusker und durch das faszinierende Reykjadalur-Tal mit seinen heißen Quellen, kleinen Geysiren und bunten Bergen. Wir beenden diesen Reittag in der traditionellen Schafzuchtstation Landmannahellir, wo wir die nächsten zwei Nächte verbringen.


    Tag 4:  Das Kaleidoskop der isländischen Farben ( Landmannahellir ca. 20 km)

    After an exhilarating ascent up to the highlands, we leave the herd behind for a well deserved rest and go on a single horse ride exploring the area. After a warm lunch in the hut we go by bus to Landmannalaugar passing through an obsidian field and experiencing the colors change from greenish black lava fields to the blue-yellow-reddish of the rhyolite mountain ranges in Landmannalaugar. In Landmannalaugar we will have time to enjoy a soak in the thermal hot spring as well as a hike through the area. Then we return by bus to out hut in Landmannahellir for a warm dinner and a cozy evening.


    Tag 5:  Das Tor zur Hölle (Landmannahellir Mt. Cabin – Rjúpnavellir  ca. 35 km)

    Wir verlassen das malerische Landmannahellir-Gebiet und reiten nördlich des Vulkans Hekla vom Hochland hinunter. Eine Wüste aus schwarzer Asche und hellem Bimsstein ist Zeuge zahlreicher Ausbrüche dieses Vulkans, des aktivsten in Island und bekannt als das Tor zur Hölle, oder Gateway to Hell. Transfer to the farmhouse Minnivellir, where we will stay the next three nights and enjoy beautiful views of Mt. Hekla.


    Day 6:  Through Hekla's foothills: (Rjúpnavellir – Gunnasholt  ca. 30 km)

    Today leads us south of Mt. Hekla volcano and shows another, rather positive side of Mt. Hekla eruptions: fertile farmland. We ride through lush green fields  and cross the river Rangá. For parts of the day we follow the well-known Hekla Trail and ride on good riding tracks where it is easy to enjoy the tölt. Transfer bak to Minnivellir.


    Day 7 Winding down Gunnarsholt - Torfastadir ca. 30km

    Th horses are o their way home, where they will enjoy their well deserved winter break and you can feel it. They run through green pastures with beautiful view of Eyjafjallajoekull until we reach Torfastadir and say good bye to our horses. On our way back to Minnivellir we stop at a geothermal hot pot before we return to Minnivellir for our last night.


    Day 8 Back to reality

    After breakfast we leave for Reykjavik, where we will arrive around noon.

    We reserve the right to alter the itinerary if necessary.

    Flughafen Transfer

    Wir empfehlen euch, bei Airport direct zu buchen, denn dort gibt es die meisten Abfahrten.

    Keflavik - Reykjavik (Bus hostel)

    Reykjavik (Bus hostel) - Keflavik


    Buchungsbedingungen (T&Cs)
    If you book online you will be asked to pay the full amount. Please contact us for different payment options.


    For more information please see also our Frequently Asked Questions and/or contact us at multidaytours@ishestar.is