Reittouren in ganz Island

Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene


For beginners to experienced riders

Horses and Puffins


Experience the best of Icelandic nature with our Horses and Puffins tour. This exciting adventure combines a boat ride to a puffin island and a horseback riding experience surrounded by stunning nature

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Pferde und Waffeln


This tour is ideal for beginners as well as more advanced riders, families and groups. We calmly ride through beautiful lava fields surrounded by mountains and pristine nature.

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High Noon Exclusive Tour


This NEW Exclusive Private tour is tailored for individuals or groups who together want to enjoy riding the Icelandic horse surrounded by beautiful nature

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Wir organisieren Mehrtagesritte in ganz Island für erfahrene und sehr erfahrene Reiter an

Saltvík Comfort


Kombiniere Reiten und Sightseeing im Norden, ganz wie Du möchtest. Reite über den schwarzen Strand und auf den Klippen oder besuche den Goðafoss-Wasserfall, die Ásbyrgi-Schlucht und gehe auf Walbeobachtung!

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Horse Round Up


Wir genießen die Herbstfarben und die sich ständig verändernde Landschaft des Nordens und begleiten Isländer, die ihre Pferde aus den Bergen holen. Wir besuchen die Pferdetransporte, bei denen die Bauern eine Herde von 500 jungen Islandpferden aus den Bergen treiben.

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Die Zeit wird zeigen, ob der Vulkan Fagradalsfjall noch weitere 8000 Jahre ruht oder bald wieder aktiv wird, aber die Erkundung dieser frischesten Lavafelder Islands und der Umgebung wird sicher ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein.

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Unsere Pferde sind uns wichtig!

Lies unsere Richtlinie zum Tierschutz


Ishestar was awesome. The experience was so pleasant, everyone was nice and accommodating, the horses were beautiful and the facility was very comfortable. Our leader, Patti, was super nice and took us at different speeds as comfortable.

Ryan P

Trip Advisor

Absolutely loved this excursion! I’ve had a horse in America for almost 20 years. These horses were a brand new experience for me. They are beautiful and have such unique gates. I went with my friend who was a beginner rider and she loved it as well. The staff are so nice and helpful and the horses are very responsive. The landscape is gorgeous and on a clear day you can see all the way to the mountains and the active volcano. 10/10 would do again!


Trip Advisor